» Featured Products » CNC Spindles & VFDs » CNC Spindles » ER-20 Collet for Spindles (1/8" or 1/4" or 1/2" )
ER-20 Collet for Spindles (1/8″ or 1/4″ or 1/2″ )
Product Description
1: The collet 1/8" (3.175mm)
Total Indicated runout: less than 0.01 mm/0.0004 inches.
2: The collet 1/4" (6.35mm)
Total Indicated runout : less than 0.01 mm/0.0004 inches.
3: The collet 3/8" (9.525mm)
Total Indicated runout: less than 0.01 mm/ 0.0004 inches
4: The collet 1/2" (12.7mm)
Total Indicated runout: less than 0.01 mm/0.0004 inches.
Additional Details