» Featured Products » Motion-Controller and MPGs » MPGs » MPG Handwheel Control Pendant USB Connection for Mach3 and Mach4, LinuxCNC (P1A)

MPG Handwheel Control Pendant USB Connection for Mach3 and Mach4, LinuxCNC (P1A)

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MPG Handwheel Control Pendant USB Connection for Mach3 and Mach4, LinuxCNC (P1A)

Product Description

X, Y, Z, and A axis selection

Step, Velocity and Continuous jogging

Slow jog rate, Feed rate and Spindle Speed change through MPG.

E-Stop button with LED

Work with any Mach3 Screen

USB cable length: 10 ft

4 Axis selections

The iMach3 control pendant works with Mach3, Mach4, and LinuxCNC.
The Pendant manual, Pendant plugins, Pendant driver, pendant firmware, pendant firmware upgrade tools and instructions can be downloaded at

Link for Downloads

Manual Download:

MPG-P1A Manual (210 downloads)

Additional Details
