» Featured Products » CNC Kits » Stepper NEMA34 4 Axis kit » NEMA 34 640 oz-in Steppper Motors 4 Axis CNC Kit:
NEMA 34 640 oz-in Steppper Motors 4 Axis CNC Kit:
Product Description
NEMA 34 640 oz-in Steppper Motors 4 Axis CNC Kit:
A: 4 PCS KL-5056, 24- 50VDC, 5.6A Driver
B: 4 PCS NEMA 34-640 oz-in Stepper Motors ( single Shaft or dual shaft motor)
C: 1 PCS 48V/ 12.5A Power Supply, 110V/220V
D: 1 PCS C10 Breakout board, E-Stop or Limit Switch can be wired, you can update to USB or Ethernet SmoothStepper Motion Control Board for Mach3 and Mach4
E: 5V power supply, 110V/220V
You can update to USB or Ethernet Board:
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